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HOW TO READ A BOOK competitive intelligence, strategy guide, customer service How to Read a Book
Mortimer Jerome Adler
& Charles Van Doren
ISBN: 0671212095  Publisher: Simon & Schuster  1972  426 pages  About $15
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Our Overtake Perspective:
Read better, always better
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1. In your business career you learn in two ways: by doing and by reading. You must know not only what you and your own own firm are doing and how you are doing it but you must also know what your competitors are doing and how they are doing it plus how your industry has done it in the past, how it is doing it now, what it is planning to do in the future and how. Wherever you legally can, get this knowledge by direct observation. Get the balance by reading better, always better, than your competitors. This is business intelligence and intelligent business.
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2. Adler and Van Doren's book is that rare phenomenon - a living classic. Their best-selling guide to reading books and accessing information shows us how to read effectively and efficiently for understanding and appreciation, how to analyze a book, comprehend its structure, X-ray it, dissect its main argument, extract the author's main message, consider its bias, criticize it, that is, judge it, and pigeonhole it. In short, how to get to the heart of a book. Systematically. Accurately. Quickly.
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3. Reading is a skill - a complex, vital, core skill that is essential for success in your business career. In this book we are shown how to use four levels of reading - elementary, inspectional, analytical and syntopical - in a systematic, structured approach to reading which increases both our understanding and our reading competence.
total quality management, accounting software
4. It is not how much we read but what and how well we read that matters. Many who are widely-read are not at all well-read. They are but literate ignoramuses who have read too widely and not well. To be well-read, read what's worth reading. And read it better, always better. Add value to your business, your career, your life., overtake, small business finance, education, career training online
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Your Competitive Advantages from this book:
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You learn how to read what is worth reading.
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Facts increase information - but insights increase understanding.
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1. The ultimate problems to be solved are practical - problems of action, in fields where people can do better or worse. Nothing but action solves practical problems, and action occurs only in the world, not in books. But intelligent action depends on knowledge. Facts increase information - but insights increase understanding. Careful and intelligent reading helps you understand.
total quality management, accounting software
2. When you take action you need to know that it works and that its working leads to the right end. But know too that no one makes serious practical judgments or engages in action without being moved somehow from below the neck. The world might be a better place if we did, but it would certainly be a different place. If you do not realize this you will be ineffective.
total quality management, accounting software
3. When you invest time and a few dollars in this book you get an enormous ROI - return on investment. From then onwards you know how to learn more in less time. You learn more because you can access written information faster and more thoroughly. You save time because you know what's worth reading and you disregard the rest. Expect to achieve a double-digit percentage gain in both your reading productivity and knowledge retention. And to maintain that lifelong benefit.
total quality management, accounting software
4. Speed-reading? No. The skill is to read at the appropriate speed not at the highest possible speed: slowly where the topic is important and difficult, quickly where it's not, the aim being to read better, always better. Reading better is one of the primary sources that power our ability to raise our own Business IQ. (Listening when you talk with people and seeing when you look are two others.)
total quality management, accounting software
5. The average high-school student is likely to be a poor and incompetent reader. Consider the consequences for your firm's workforce and for your firm's competitive ability. We must become competent readers if we are to compete in the future. We all must know how to make books teach us well. That is the primary aim of this book. When a person reads it carefully s/he will achieve that goal.
total quality management, accounting software
6. There is no major authoritative work that deals comprehensively with the field of business. Such a book is not possible. Too many aspects, too many changes, too quickly. So the necessity of reading several well-chosen works rather than one is more urgent. This is the need for syntopical, or comparative, reading. Knowing that more than one book is relevant to a particular question is the first requirement. Knowing which books should be read is the second requirement. The second requirement is a great deal harder than the first. Overtake® provides you with much of the solution - our list of 'Books You Need.'
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To solve many problems in business without our list you would first need to assemble a set of books that you thought would cover the particular problem, then inspect them all. Your inspectional reading would identify the books that are are likely to be productive when you subsequently read them analytically and it would cut down the number of books you need to read. To a great extent we have done that for you.
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Once you have identified, by selecting directly from our list or by inspectional reading, the books that are relevant to your problem, you can then proceed to read them syntopically. To do this you find, by another inspectional reading, the relevant passages in each book examined, you create a neutral terminology that applies to all or most of the authors examined, you frame and order a set of questions that most of them can be interpreted as answering, and you define and arrange the issues produced by differing answers to the questions. You now know what they said and how they said it. If the problem is straightforward the solution will now be clear. If the problem is difficult, the solution, insofar as it is available to us, is in the conflict of opposing answers and in the discussion and analysis that arises from them. And in the understanding that the resulting insights generate.
total quality management, accounting software
7. Relax. Take a break from business. In Appendix A, Adler and Van Doren give you a list of books worth reading. Enough for a lifetime's rest and recreation. And they will sharpen your intellect, hone your reading skills and leave you mentally fit for business yet to be done. A good book will teach you about the world and about yourself. Read. Live. Enjoy.
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